I strongly recommend these books. Although I provide links to for your convenience, I recommend supporting your local bookstores. If funds are limited, check your library before you buy. I also have a small lending library for my clients.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn (4th Edition): The Complete Guide
This book is “the one.” It covers every aspect of the child-bearing year. Simultaneously authoritative and reassuring, it will become your go-to book.
The Birth Partner, Third Edition by Penny Simkin
Everyone who wants to support a mother through labor should read this book. I cannot recommend this book enough. It describes the process of labor, from your first prodromal contractions to recovery, and gives detailed recommendations on what the woman and her partner can do to safely speed things along and decrease discomfort in words and pictures, with quick reference guides for each stage. It is informative and accessible and you’ll want to underline, write in the margins and bookmark pages.
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy
This book is comprehensive and balanced. You won’t find fearmongering here, just solid advice for all nine months.
Exercising Through Your Pregnancy by James F. Clapp III
For most women vigorous exercise during pregnancy is not only safe, it is beneficial for both mother and child. This book, written by the researcher who documented those benefits, provides guidance for mothers and caregivers. It does not prescribe an exercise routine, but gives the evidence and encouragement to build or continue your own routine, and adapt it as necessary, throughout your pregnancy.
Birthing from Within: An Extra-Ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation
Prepare for birth, however you choose to birth, through information and self-exploration. This is a great resource, no matter what kind of birth you’re planning.
Dr. Jen's Guide to Breastfeeding
A sensible, evidence based book on breastfeeding from a Pediatrician who is also an IBCLC and a fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding medicine. Breastfeeding information doesn’t get any better than this.
The Baby Owner's Manual by Louis Borgenicht, M.D., and Joe Borgenicht, D.A.D.
No, babies don’t come with an owner’s manual, but this book fills that gap. A tongue-in-cheek but highly practical and comprehensive guide to your baby’s first year of life it’s a great gift for someone who won’t read a typical baby care manual.
Henci Goer: Informed Choices in Childbirth
Articles and a selection of other resources from the author of The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth.
KellyMom Breastfeeding and Parenting
I wish every pregnant woman was given the address for this website at her first prenatal appointment. The answers to almost any questions you have about breastfeeding can be found here, along with practical advice about parenting.
Capitol Area Birth Options Alliance
Regularly updated lists of Birth and Postpartum Doulas, Midwives, and Childbirth Education Classes in the Washington, DC area.
Healthy Children
Information and support on every topic from conception through adolescence from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
March of Dimes
Extensive information on pregnancy, babies, prematurity and birth defects.
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